Family Engagement Specialists

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Active, Healthier Kids in 2013

Make it a New Year's resolution to help your child be more active in 2013 and enjoy the great outdoors!  A moving body is good for growing brains.  In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reviewed 50 scientific studies on the benefits of exercise; the majority of these studies showed the more school-age children exercised, the better their school performance and over all health. 

Here are six tips to help get your child moving:

1. Encourage movement while they watch.  While viewing TV, let children jump on a mini trampoline or flex their muscles with exercise bands.

2. Take family walks.  This is a great time to reconnect as a family and talk about the day's activities.

3. Practice anytime, anywhere exercises.  Teach your child to flex while he stands or sits.  When your child is standing around, encourage him to do squates, go up and down on his toes, and flex his knees.  When sitting, encourage her to arch her feet up and down, which flexes the muscles in the front and back of the legs.

4. Work their muscles while they ride.  Have your child flex a little squeeze ball during car rides-the movement will work their muscles and make the drive more enjoyable.

5. Take the stairs.  When possible, take your kids up or down the stairs instead of on elevators and escalators.

6. Get your child involved in a vigorous sport.  Kids who are struggling academically often improve when more time is spent in athletics.

-These tips are from Bill Sears, M.D., father of eight and author of 42 books on family health.  He has been a practicing pediatrician for 40 years.

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