Family Engagement Specialists

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrate Earth Day with your Child!

Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 and has been an important day to think about our environment and what we can do to help keep it healthy for us to live.

From the beginning, children and schools have supported the many efforts of Earth Day. This is the time to train the younger generation about the importance of keeping our planet clean and healthy for everyone.

Younger children can get a feel for what Earth Day is all about by singing songs, coloring pictures, making crafts, doing clean-up projects, and learning about recycling.

1. You can start by making crafts out of recycled items. Think of all of the possibilities of using paper towel tubes: spy glasses, musical instrument, towers, just to name a few. You can reuse aluminum foil to make picture frames, a ball, or shiny toy.

2. You can start a recycling collection at your home. There are drop off sites in your community for: plastic bottles, glass jars and bottles, newspapers, and mixed paper. By recycling these items, you are helping to protect the environment and putting an end to overloading the landfills with trash.

3. Older children can do an Earth Day project and then write a letter to your local government official and share what you have done. There's nothing more inspiring than seeing people put thought into action; "This is what I have done to help fix the environment in my neighborhood." Maybe other kids will be inspired to take on similar projects.

Enjoy Earth Day and make a pledge to recycle and reuse items on our planet. It only takes a few minutes to make a big difference in our world. Let your few minutes be spent on helping to keep our environment healthy and safe for years to come.

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