Family Engagement Specialists

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Too Much Screen Time

Kids and teens ages 8 to 18 years old spend an average of close to seven and a half hours a day using entertainment media. Shelley Plasnik, director of the Center for Children and Technology at the New York City based Education Development Center states: “Media devices change, but the strategy for supporting kids isn’t that new or different.” Are you concerned that your child is watching too much television, computer screens, and video devices? Here are a few suggestions to ensure that your child is using the technologies available to set successful screen time habits.

1. Set limits and screen-time rules: begin establishing rules when your child is young and modify as he/she matures

2. Model the behaviors you, as the parent want to see: your child should see you using the media devices in balance with other family activities

3. Supervise and engage with your children during screen time: ask questions and encourage conversation and TV programs or computer websites

4. Keep screen devices in common areas of your home: have specific locations for your child to use video devices so that adult supervision can be available if necessary

5. Use expert resources to engage apps, websites, programs, and videos: let your child know that you are concerned about their internet search opportunities and want to keep them safe

6. Ensure other non-screen activities are readily available: consider other alternative activities such as: “board game night” or “no TV night”. Plan time for the family to engage in physical activities outside of the home.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting kids total screen time to no more than one to two hours per day. The more time a child is spending in front of an electronic screen, the less time he/she is engaged in playing outside or interacting with other children or family members. So if you are concerned about your child’s lack of physical activity, try setting limits on time in front of the TV or computer and get more involved in creative play.

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