Family Engagement Specialists

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Reading Ideas for Kids

Now that school is out and your child has lots of free time, it is important to include time for reading every day. Research has shown that if students do not read during the summer break from school, they will return to school reading below grade level.

You can make reading a fun part of the summer by taking advantage of the reading opportunities on the computer and at your local library. You can find summer reading programs that will engage your child in many different reading experiences, that include: theater, drama, puppetry, singing, and the arts.

At home, you can make reading a daily priority. Here are a few guidelines to help;

1. Create a reading plan by using the calendar to document weekly reading opportunities.

2. Set a reading time each day that meets the varied schedules of the family.

3. Select different types of reading that include books, magazines, iPod, Kindle, Nook Readers, or other electronic devices.

4. Select different types of books from the library to entertain and educate your child.

Another point to encourage your child's reading experiences, is to see YOU actually reading for pleasure or for information. If reading is important for your child, you must show that reading is important to you, as well. By establishing a positive role model for the enjoyment of reading, your child will learn to follow your example and engage in reading opportunities. So make reading a priority in your home this summer and help your child gain a love of reading before school begins in the fall.

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